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Michael Adams

Service Manager

What do I do?

As the service manager, it is my job to seek new service opportunities for us as well as coordinate service for the customers we already serve. I also get to work with all of our vendors to find the parts we need to keep being Awesome!

Where do I reside

Your Guess is as good as mine- My wife and I sold our house and bought a Travel Trailer. We may be on the Delta, we may be in the foothills.. Really just depend.

Favorite Hobbies

I love camping and anything on the water ( Boating – rafting – tubing). I was a chef and Bartender for over a decade so I like to entertain friends and put those skills to use. And of course my biggest hobby/passion would be Singing, specifically Karaoke! Hand me a mic and watch out cause I’ll be on a roll in no time.